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The Assassin

Freedom Fighter (Solar Wind 3)

by Lyz Russo

"Keep an eye on them, Federi!"

Captain Rushka Donegal on the bridge! But the young girl doesn't feel up to running a ship full of unruly young crew. And then they come across disaster...

So it falls to Federi to pick up the pieces while his Captain is not aboard. And while he rolls his dramatic eyes and gets things done, Paean Donegal arms up and signs on for the Fight for Freedom.

This book:
Novel, General Fiction, 556pgs
Copies available at:
P'kaboo Publishers: Ebook and Paperback
Amazon Paperback
Amazon Kindle
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Titles by this author:

The Mystery of the Solar Wind The Assassin Freedom Fighter Raider!
Ebooks only:
Donegal Trouble Donegal Magic Chiaroscuro Family Pool Arcana Mercury Silver
Music book:
Violin Tunes 1