images of books P'kaboo Publishers
Fresh crispy reads


We are open to new submissions.

(Last updated: 11 July 2024)

What are we looking for?

Stories that will call for reviews like these:

"...couldn't put it down..." - "...I laughed so loud my neighbour came knocking..." - "... this made me laugh and cry and feel with the characters..." - "...edge-of-seat stuff..." - "...they feel like friends..." - "...story haunted me long after I finished reading it..."

So, our emphasis is on Story. And on characters. And on fast-paced, deep impact, moving stuff. Stories that entangle the reader and won't let go.

Oh, and... if you have instead written a textbook on Orthopthology or chocolate chip cookies, please feel free to submit this too. With a motivation why you wrote it.

Submit your manuscript by sending an email to (Copy-paste this address into your email address line.)

Available Genres

1. Fiction:

Adventure | YA (all) | Fantasy | Science Fiction | General Fiction | Romance | Goth | Supernatural | Children's Picture Books | Younger Readers | Comedy | Crime | Thriller and Suspense | Mystery | Other

2. Non-Fiction:

Self-help Books | Life Coaching | Teaching Material | Music Books | Multimedia | Other

Some Basics

Must-Do: Before you submit your manuscript (anywhere), have it professionally edited for grammar, style, flow, correctness and plot holes.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept unedited manuscripts. Yes, we'll edit them again (every publishing house does).

Disclaimer: Having your manuscript pre-edited improves the quality and with it, the chances of being published, but it does not oblige us to publish your book.

Cover graphic: You can bring your own high-quality, fully suitable and marketable cover graphic. Else, the graphic design is up to us. Your preferences will be noted.

Your personal details are always safe with us. And so is your book. Check out our privacy policy.

What to submit

  • Important: Make sure your manuscript is complete, finished and edited. We don't work with book proposals or first drafts.

  • What to send:

    Send us an email containing:
    • A short description of your manuscript: Genre, word count, intended target audience, and a 300-600 word accurate synopsis for us. No cliff hangers.
    • Your finished and edited manuscript attached as .doc or .docx (we also accept .rtf, .odt and .txt but NOT pdf).
    • Your real name and, if you want to use a pen name on the book, let us know that name.
    • A short informal bio - <300 words of what you'd like us to know about you. (If we decide to publish, this will usually not yet be the bio we'll be using. It is only to introduce yourself to us.)
    • Our email address: (copy and paste the email address; we have removed the link to reduce spam.)

  • Wait for our feedback. Give us the standard 2-3 weeks to read your submission before sending questions.

  • You've submitted to other publishers at the same time? It will be first come first served.

Two paths converged on a website...

One led to the

End Of Page

I took the other, which led back to the Bookshop... :)

...and it has made all the difference!