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Donegal Trouble

Lyz Russo
(The first part of "The Mystery of the Solar Wind")

(Click on the book cover for a peek into the book [PDF file]) Mystery of the Solar Wind

Donegal Trouble

Lyz Russo

"I only have half of my crew, Paean Donegal!"

The year is 2116. Captain Radomir Lascek sails his pirate ship, the Solar Wind, around the oceans, collecting outlaws and fugitives and dodging the authorities. But then he hires three young musicians in Dublin - the Donegal Troubles.

Radomir Lascek, with all his wily schemes, is about to learn the real meaning of "trouble".

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Donegal Magic

Lyz Russo
(The second part of "The Mystery of the Solar Wind")

(Click on the book cover for a peek into the book [PDF file]) Mystery of the Solar Wind

Donegal Magic

Lyz Russo

It was time to fly some pigs.

The open sea awaited. Panama slept behind them. It was their first taste of real freedom in seven months.

After a vicious battle on Lake Gatun, the Solar Wind breaks through to the Free Pacific. The Unicate doesn't hold as much sway here. But stranger things await. Radomir Lascek continues his agenda, which begins to become visible. At the same time the Donegal Troubles live up to their name, finding more trouble than Federi would believe, on a tropical paradise island. But as much as they cause trouble, their magic is also beginning to transform everyone aboard...


Books in the Series:

(Available as paperback books and ebooks)

The Mystery of the Solar Wind

1. The Mystery of the Solar Wind:

Radomir Lascek sails his Freedom Ship, the "Solar Wind", around the oceans of Earth, year 2116, collecting outlaws and fugitives and dodging the creepy and corrupt world government, the "Unicate". But when he hires three young musicians in Dublin, the "Donegal Troubles", he learns a new definition for "trouble".

The Assassin

2. The Assassin:

"Remember who you are!"

Two data capsules tell an evil story. Both the Unicate and the Rebellion are hunting for those capsules; but they are in the possession of Radomir Lascek of the Solar Wind. And so the Pirate scrambles to keep his ship and crew safe. But things explode in his face, and he is forced to move... too early.

Freedom Fighter

3. Freedom Fighter:

"Keep an eye on them, Federi!"

Radomir Lascek is hell-bent on breaking the power of both the Unicate and the Rebellion. By a political ju-jitsu move he manipulates both into a vice grip and forces them into peace negotiations. But while he is negotiating, the job of keeping his young crew of fugitives and his hi-tech ship safe, falls to his daughter Rushka, and his ship's dogsbody, Federi. And while both dance a fandango to put out flames, young hothead Paean Donegal signs on for the Fight for Freedom...


4. Raider!

Alien Touchdown! If the crew of the Solar Wind thought the Unicate and the Rebellion were tough cookies, they haven't yet met the Danaan - from Planet New Dome. Coming to take over Earth - or destroy the planet. Or alternatively, for a mango daiquiri in the subtropical paradise of Southern Free. And then destroy the planet.

Ebooks only:

Donegal Trouble

1. Donegal Trouble

The first 1/3 of "The Mystery of the Solar Wind".

Contagious Irish reels and airs carried over to the Hun, where some of her marines uttered wistfully that they would like to have a party too.
"Any of you who wishes to be on the pirate ship can go," said Captain Miller.
"Really, Captain?"
"And when I turn them all in, in Hamilton, you can be judged as renegades and buccaneers too!"

Donegal Magic

2. Donegal Magic

The remainder of "The Mystery of the Solar Wind".

After a terrific battle in Lake Gatun the Solar Wind breaks through to the Free Pacific. But here, different worries await. Amidst pirates, terrorists, gunrunners, predators and bounty hunters, some friends and allies have gone missing. Lascek has his hands full. And the Donegals may be trouble - more trouble than the Solar Wind's crew has ever seen; but their magic is slowly beginning to transform every last sailor aboard.

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