On this page:
Studio Concerts Ceilidhs House Concerts Other Performances

Studio Concerts and Ceilidhs

Studio Concerts

The Studio gives two studio concerts per year to improve our students' performances. These concerts are a part of our teaching syllabus and it is expected of students to attend them. The function is to learn to play onstage - a whole new experience.

Dress for concerts is usually smart-casual.
There is a nominal surcharge per student for hall rental.
Each family provides a food contribution for the reception after the concert. The Studio provides coffee, tea and cooldrinks.

Concert Etiquette and Studio Rules: Click here to read more


A ceilidh or ceili is an Irish musical open house (or "rambling house"). The concept of taking your instruments and music and visiting a friend is not so foreign all across Europe; at least it was a common occurance before the advent of television. Today still, ceilidhs are hosted regularly all over Ireland.

At a ceilidh young musicians learn to perform in a relaxed setting. They learn to improvise and spontaneously play along with others, and sometimes ensembles are founded during the ceilidhs. Basic etiquette applies here too: Don't chat too loudly while someone is performing; wait your turn; don't "hog" the turn by playing one song after another.

Our students take turns hosting ceilidhs. The Studio arranges between two and six ceilidhs per year. Each student brings a share of food for the potluck table and his own drinks; the idea is not to put the host out financially.

Ceilidh Etiquette: Click here to read more

House Concerts

The Studio arranges house concerts from time to time. The performers are usually friends of the Studio who are performing musicians; the Studio's teachers perform in the house concerts; and sometimes advanced students are invited to play a few numbers. It is an honour to be invited to a house concert to perform amongst professionals and gigging musicians.

Gigs and External Performances

We are privileged to have a number of performers in the Studio. You are welcome to share your performances with us by inviting us. Conversely, when we have a performance somewhere (one that is not a closed function) we shall let you know so that you can attend if you like.