P'kaboo Publishers

As you might guess from her name Mrs Polly Pink-Witch is a witch. In the summer she makes her delicious Pink Wish ice cream and likes nothing better than traveling from town to town in her bright pink ice cream van.

Why is Mrs Polly Pink-Witch’s ice cream called ‘Pink Wish’?

That’s a very good question, and the answer is easy too: if you buy, and enjoy, her delicious Pink Wish ice cream you get a free wish!

Of course, there are conditions attached. This means there are only certain children who get a wish granted. Mrs Polly Pink-Witch can’t stand rude children, so they absolutely never get a wish granted. And you must say please and thank you. Mrs Polly Pink-Witch knows if you really mean it; she can tell if it’s a proper please and a proper thank you.

So which children get a free wish? That’s easy too, I am sure you will guess, but what kind of wishes come true?

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Andrea Kaczmarek's Pink Wish Ice Cream is filled with pink! Pink socks, pink hair and, most importantly, pink wish ice cream. Mrs. Polly Pink-Witch is a witch who drives an ice cream truck and sells Pink Wish Ice Cream to children. If they are polite they get a wish; if they are rude they just get normal tasting ice cream. This story is about one special boy, named Oscar Day, and how he made a special wish that came true.

Pink Wish Ice Cream may be a book for young kids, but I happened to enjoy it. Andrea Kaczmarek had me at the first mention of ice cream. I also liked that she snuck in how children have to use their manners and be polite in order to get nice things. That was the only way to get a wish. For the wish to actually work, the child needs to wish for something that is for someone else, which teaches them not to be greedy.

It is a book about good manners. The wish Oscar made was a very good one. It was one that everyone could enjoy and get use from. One thing I really liked was at the beginning when Kaczmarek named all the other witches. They all had their own color and ate only that color food. They also all had a cat in that color, which I thought was pretty cool. I hope this is a hint for more books to come. Pink Wish Ice Cream is a cute book. It is one that I would be happy for my child to read. I think that this book is geared more towards girls with all the pink, but I can see boys enjoying it too.
( Reviewed by Jessyca Garcia for Readers' Favorite)

(more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads)

About the Author:

Andrea Kaczmarek was born in Wales and worked as a teacher for art and English, she now has three amazing grandchildren and spends a lot of time between England, Wales and Germany.

Her great passion is writing stories for children and reading to children’s groups. Together with the local library, she helped to found ‘The World of Reading’ (Lese -Welt) a charity in her town which brings books and stories to children of all ages.

“Books and stories are so important for the early the development of our children. Children who read and love stories have the very best start in life.”

... more about Andrea Kaczmarek

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