As you might guess from her name Mrs Polly Pink-Witch is a witch. In the summer she makes her delicious Pink Wish ice cream and likes nothing better than traveling from town to town in her bright pink ice cream van.
Why is Mrs Polly Pink-Witch’s ice cream called ‘Pink Wish’?
That’s a very good question, and the answer is easy too: if you buy, and enjoy, her delicious Pink Wish ice cream you get a free wish!
Of course, there are conditions attached. This means there are only certain children who get a wish granted. Mrs Polly Pink-Witch can’t stand rude children, so they absolutely never get a wish granted. And you must say please and thank you. Mrs Polly Pink-Witch knows if you really mean it; she can tell if it’s a proper please and a proper thank you.
So which children get a free wish? That’s easy too, I am sure you will guess, but what kind of wishes come true?